Luminous Night

By Warm Springs Alliance (other events)

Saturday, December 23 2017 6:30 PM 9:30 PM MDT

Solstice Ceremony | Meditative Movement | Sound Healing | Community

Give yourself the gift of a gorgeous, quiet night of nurturing the Light within.

During this time of the longest night when we naturally want to go in (yin), but often end up being even more active because of the holidays, this is a chance to enjoy a tranquil, quiet evening to slow down and savor peaceful, inner space in loving community.

Plus, humans have celebrated solstices and equinoxes with dancing, feasting and community rituals for thousands of years. It's in our blood!

Light a candle with your own intention, breathe fresh evergreens and ancient essences of frankincense and myrrh. With nourishing music and meditative movement, journey into the dark and silence of yourself to connect with the inner light. Create your own ritual or simply bless yourself with the gift of stillness. Light facilitation will be offered in this sacred space to support you in observing the season in your own ways.

Now are they but one lamp, one light, one sun.
- William Shakespeare

Our 15th annual Midwinter celebration offers a respite from the hectic holiday season and will leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and connected.

Everyone is welcome.

Space is limited to 40. The last few years we've sold out quickly, so be sure to claim your space!

Hosted by the Women's Full Moon Dance and the Warm Springs Alliance, this year's event is a fundraiser for Warm Springs.

The Women's Full Moon dance is a group that's been gathering for 15 years on the Saturday closest to the Full Moon to reconnect with body and spirit in sacred space. We also host special events open to the whole community sometimes (usually Solstices and Equinoxes).

The Warm Springs Alliance is a non-profit formed to protect the Warm Springs landmark site, preserve the Wasatch Plunge building at 840 N. Beck St., Salt Lake City, and reestablish its role as a community gathering place where people of all walks of life come together—to soak in the hot spring, learn, heal, connect, and collaborate.

Call Sylvia with questions. 801-486-8444